Writing the answers

In the spaces between publications of Luna Station Quarterly, the magazine puts out a series of interviews with the authors from the latest edition.

The interviews themselves are fairly short, but I always look forward to reading them. Especially for a story I’ve particularly enjoyed, it’s interesting to hear some of the background to the story’s creation or the author’s thoughts on an issue the plot raises. More than anything else, it puts me in awe of the authors, and the huge amount of thought that goes into the construction of a narrative.

Issue 38 includes my story, Violent Silence, so in due course some questions turned up for me in my inbox. And I thought: oh no. Now I have to write answers which make me sound as together and professional as all these other people.

Also: I wish I had written a story about a kitten, and not something that would lead people to ask me about the moral implications of hybrid human/robot consciousnesses.

In the event, I actually quite enjoyed thinking about the questions. And then I wrote far, far, far too much that waffled off into philosophy I am highly unqualified to discuss. So I deleted and started again. And again. You know how it goes :-)

The interview is now out in the world! You can read it on LSQ - like everything they do, it’s beautifully presented (and is even illustrated with a piano-playing robot). LSQ regularly tweet out links to author interviews (and lots of other bloggy goodness), I recommend following them!