October 10th: Shift Handover

A long view of English country side, very flat against the bottom of the picture, some autumunal trees in the foreground. Most of the picture is blue sky, with white clouds. Across the sky in brown: #DRABBLETOBER

Shift Handover

I'm strong in my domain when the terrible door slams open again.

"Hello?" she says, blearily, and my heart sinks. Now He will be here soon.

The door, I urge. It's dangerous, you're not safe. Listen!

"Hello?" she asks, again.

He taps me on the shoulder, letting me know He's ready to take over.

The door! I scream, but I'm growing weaker.

He shoulders me aside, as casually as I do Him when she falls asleep. He's ready with smooth words: it's just a shadow, there's nothing wrong, no door there. There's nothing to be afraid of.

You're awake now.

The night before last, I was abruptly woken by the door next to my bed opening. I could see it standing ajar, but not make out who was there. I, too, asked “hello?”

As my thoughts fell into place I realised several things: I was in my own bedroom. There is no door in the wall beside the headboard. There was no shadowy intruder, just the dark shape of a curtain.

Nothing to worry about.
