Bone, Salt, Iron
A folk horror story, published in the inaugural issue of Frost Zone Stories. You can find links to buy e-book or p-book copies at the publisher’s site.
A very short story, published in Issue 2.2 (Winter 2024) of Twin Bird Review, and free to read online.
A Mortuary For Songs
A horror story, published as part of Graveside Press’ “Tiny Terrors” series.
You can find links to buy the story in all the usual formats via Graveside Press. (The physical book seems only to be available via Amazon if you’re not in the US, search your local Amazon site to find it!)
The Milward Sister
A short horror story, published in Shotgun Honey’s anthology At The Edge of Darkness.
You can buy the anthology (in e- or p-book format) directly from the publisher.
A short horror story, published by Black Hare Press.
If you’re signed up to their Patreon, you can read the story on their weekly feed.
The Great Adventure
A short fantasy story, published in the inaugural issue of The Pink Hydra. The story is free to read, or download, from their website.
Love You
A drabble. Published in Programmed Hearts, Shacklebound’s April 2024 anthology of stories of robots and AI.
You can buy the anthology (in e- or p-book formats) on Amazon.
Relax & Unwind
A drabble, included in Shacklebound’s March 2024 anthology of dark fantasy, Drabbledark III.
You can buy the anthology (in e- or p-book formats) on Amazon.
The Eidolonpterist
A horror story, of moths and loneliness, which appeared in Pseudopod, March 2024.
You can listen to the story, or read it free, on Pseudopod Episode 912.
The Thin Woman
Flash fiction, published in Issue 1 of the Inner Worlds zine.
You can subscribe to the zine if you’d like a selection of new spec-fic stories each quarter. You can also read the story free online.
Flash fiction, published in the June 2023 issue of Luna Station Quarterly.
You can buy a beautiful paper copy of the magazine on Amazon, or digital versions from a variety of places including Gumroad and Weightless Books.
Hey, George
A short sci-fi tale from a dystopian near-future, which appeared in Escape Pod episode 882.
You can listen to the podcast, or read the story, free on Escape Pod.
The Monster
Well, Where Did You Think It Came From?
A very short Christmas story, which got an “Honorable Mention” in the Weird Cryptids category of Weird Christmas’ 2022 flash fiction competition.
You can read it, and a great bunch of other weird Christmas stories, free online - or listen to them in podcast form.
A short horror story, appearing in the Nightmare Fuel: Objects of Horror anthology.
You can buy e-book or p-book copies of the anthology from Amazon.
Utter Speculation’s anthology The Dancing Plague is full of speculative fiction origin stories for the waves of manic dancing which swept central Europe in the sixteenth century. “Interdisciplinary” is my sci-fi explanation for the plague.
The Dancing Plague is available from Amazon, in e-book or paper format. My interview with the editor is free to read online.
Head in the Grave, Listening
Runner-up in The Arcanist’s “Rest In Peace” short story competition. You can read the story on their website.
How to Grow Up
A very short story, published in issue 4 of Seaside Gothic. The magazine is available in paper or e-format, or you can subscribe via Patreon.
The Sin Jar
A short horror story, published in issue XII of All Worlds Wayfarer. You can buy the magazine direct from the publisher, or from Amazon.
Switching Sides
A short, comedy sci-fi story, published in issue 87 of Andromeda Spaceways Magazine.
You can buy e-books in all the usual formats from Andromeda Spaceways.
The Organist and the Old Man
A short horror story, published in the July 2022 issue of Cosmic Horror Monthly. You can buy a physical or e-book copy of the magazine from the publisher.
A short story, published in issue 6 of The Quiet Reader.
You can read the story free on their website.
Other Lives
A fantasy tale, published June 2022, in Issue 50 of Luna Station Quarterly.
You can buy a beautiful paper copy from Amazon, or an e-book from a variety of places including Weightless Books.
They Brought Me My Schooldays
A short piece of literary fiction, published by Eunoia Review in April 2021 and free to read on their website.
Time For Tea, Time To Move, Time To Think
Three drabbles, published in Hiraeth Publishing’s “Drabble Harvest Volume 5”.
The anthology is packed full of drabbles on the theme of “time travel gone wrong”, and is available to purchase from their website in either PDF form or paper form.
The Fight
A very short Christmas story, overall winner of Weird Christmas’ 2021 flash fiction competition.
You can read it, and the other fabulous winning stories, free online.
The Christmas Elf
A Christmas story, published in the Skullgate Media Winter Wonders anthology of winter-themed speculative fiction.
Winter Wonders is available as a beautiful paperback book, or as an e-book. You can order e-books from SmashWords or various other retailers, or buy both e-books and p-books from Amazon.
The Lady Of Time
A sci-fi novella, set in the 1950s. It was published in the Autumn 2021 edition of The Colored Lens magazine of speculative fiction, available from Amazon (and on Kindle Unlimited).
The Last Girl
A fantasy story, published in Kzine Issue 30. Kzine is available to purchase, in e-book or paper form, from Amazon (and is on Kindle Unlimited).
Content warning for The Last Girl: sexual assault, rape, murder and gore.
Jeremy Sleeps
A short fantasy story, published in the May 2021 issue of Electric Spec. You can read it free on their website, and check out what I had to say about it on their blog.
The Failed
A short story, published April 2021 in Interstellar Literary Magazine. You can read it on their website.
Desire Lines
A very short poem, published in Issue 4 of Briefly Write, inspired by the changes COVID wrought in the world. You can read it on their website (or hear the audio of me reading it).
A very short story, appearing February 2021 in Flash Fiction Magazine. You can read it on their website, where they publish brand new flash fiction every day.
How We Tear Ourselves Apart
A bleak Christmas fairy tale published December 2020 in the Gray Sisters magazine of modern fairy tales and myths.
Unfortunately, the magazine has ceased publication and retired their website. You can still read the story via the Wayback Machine.
My Autumn
In September 2020, new literary magazine The Quiet Reader published their first edition. They included a speculative-fiction story of mine, which you can read on the website.
The Fear Inventory
A short horror story, published June 2020 in the solstice issue of All Worlds Wayfarer.
The magazine is available on Amazon.
Published June 2020, in the inaugural issue of the Gray Sisters magazine of modern fairy tales and myths.
Unfortunately, the magazine has ceased publication and retired their website. You can still read the story via the Wayback Machine.
Cook Me A Storm
Published in February 2020, in the Valentine’s Day issue of Tales From the Moonlit Path.
It’s freely available to read on the Tales From the Moonlit Path website.
Dance Up The Sun
Post-apocalyptic fiction, published by Ash Tales in August 2019.
You can read it free on the Ash Tales website (and don’t forget to check out their podcast while you’re there!)
Violent Silence
Science fiction, published in the June 2019 issue of Luna Station Quarterly.
You can buy a copy from Amazon or Weightless Books.
Clearing Up
A short fantasy story about the unexpected things found during house clearances.
Clearing Up was published in the June edition of Aphelion e-zine, and the story is free to read online.