Elizabeth Guilt

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It's here!

My beautiful shiny copy of Luna Station Quarterly is here!

I’ve always read issues of LSQ in e-book format, and I was expecting the paper publication to be a fairly slim A4 magazine. It’s not! It’s basically… a book.

A real book, which is, if anything, even better and real-er than I was expecting. It feels solid, and has gorgeous cover art, and an appealingly literary font, and an ISBN. I never thought I’d be excited about an ISBN! And this book has a story of mine in it, with my name on it.

I’m still delighted, OK?

For as long as I can remember I’ve written stories; for at least fifteen years my new year resolutions have included variations on “write more, get something published”.

Now I have success in my hands. And it’s got an elk on the front.