Elizabeth Guilt

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October 8th: Sleepover

Day 8 of my drabble-a-day challenge, now entering its second week! Here is today’s drabble:


Mum came to check we were in bed. She turned out the light, but the streetlamp outside meant we could still more or less see each other.

I waited until Laura was nearly asleep before I told her.

"Uncle Michael died in that bed you're in."

You should have seen her! Talk about vertical take-off, it was hilarious.

Uncle Michael was our mum's brother, an ex-army man who loved pranks and jokes. He didn't really die in that bed.

He died in this one. I feel his fingers on my neck. Scaring my sister hadn't been my idea.

While on the motorway the other day, I passed a lorry full of mattresses. At least, the outside of the lorry was decorated with the logos of a mattress company. I noted that their slogan includes the recommendation that you replace your mattress every 8 years.

Which, to be fair, I’d probably also say if I sold mattresses.

As it is, I just regard it as another attempt to remove ghosts from our modern era.