Elizabeth Guilt

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Twas the Night Before NaNoWriMo...

It's November tomorrow and so, as any writer will tell you, it's almost time for #NaNoWriMo. That's National Novel Writing Month - an annual challenge, started two decades ago, to write a novel in a month.

In fairness, its really more International Draft-writing Month, but I don't expect anyone else wishes to join me in Unnecessary Pedantry Corner. I don’t imagine #InDraMo will start trending any time soon.

I've never attempted NaNoWriMo, because I've never felt that I had enough time to dedicate to it. 50K words in thirty days, plus a full-time job, would mean abandoning everything else to concentrate solely on a novel draft. Which is a fine thing, but realistically I am not going to do it. Or not without a lot of advanced planning which, once again, I haven't put in.

Earlier this week, I noted Carly Racklin's tweet about NaNoWriMo. In short, she wasn't doing it, but planned to - as she has in other years - make a commitment to write some words every day.

At the times in my life when I've been writing daily, I've been amazed at how much I manage to get done. So I'm stealing her idea, and resolving that this November I will write at least 200 words a day. Maybe 200 words of my current work in progress (a short story that has got catastrophically out of hand); maybe 200 words of something else. The act of writing is the important thing.

I hereby declare this #IShoWriMoMo: I Should Write More Month.

I'll tweet my progress as November unfurls. I'm relying on you to keep me at it!